SOFITEL Ambassador Seoul Hotel & Serviced Residences - Luxury hotel - Jardin d'Hiver | Haute Croissanterie

(주)케이티에스테이트 / 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 422, 17층 / 사업자등록증번호 120-87-57657 / 통신판매번호 제 2021-서울송파-2518호 / 대표 최남철

Jardin d'Hiver | Haute Croissanterie

Get ready to savor the delicious encounter of Haute Croissanterie, where tradition meets innovation in a modern and tasteful symphony. Savor a delightful journey with unique croissants at Jardin d’Hiver.


• Time

8:00 AM – 9:00 PM


• Price

Pure Butter Croissant ··· KRW 6,000

Chocolat Noisette ··· KRW 7,500

K-Pesto ··· KRW 11,000

Inspiration Strawberry & Yuzu ··· KRW 9,500

Fromage en Hiver ··· KRW 8,000

Jeju Zest ··· KRW 8,000

Framboise & Pistache Praline ··· KRW 9,000

Tomato-Ssant ··· KRW 9,000

Black-Pearl ··· KRW 10,000


• Location

Jardin d’Hiver (6F)


• Inquiry

02 2092 6106


  • jardin-dhiver-haute-croissanterie
  • jardin-dhiver-haute-croissanterie
SOFITEL Ambassador Seoul Hotel & Serviced Residences
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